Author: Olabanji

Getting customer to purchase what you sells from you is the best way to keep a business healthy and growing, many people have problem in getting more customers and retaining them as their customers. Many business lose customers in a daily basis and suffers of making sales if their product, this might be very frustrating but there are something’s you not doing or you not doing it well. I am going to list what you are going to do in accordance to win more customers and retain them, make sure you follow and make use of it accordingly. Build relationship…

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Women who over 40 are not allowed to work again with the government, people who fall in these categories might not have enough energy to work hardly like before and it is not advisable for their health. In the write up I will tell you some business you can start without much capital and much skills and earn money and make a living from it. Book keeping Book keeping is not a popular job or requires much skills you have to be able to make calculation and keep records safely. These skills requires no skills or capital, you can start…

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It so obvious that many women are looking for a side hustle to do at the comfort of their home but don’t know how and where to start, this guide will tell you everything you need to know about working from home as a lady. Unemployment rate in Nigeria is very high and it is increasing day by day, many people were fired from their business and it has leads to poverty to many families in Nigeria and many people are willing to work but don’t know the full details, I will drop the full works or business you can…

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Starting a business right from home is not a big deal or something too much to start in Nigeria there are some jobs you can do right from your home without much stress and huge capital follow these article to get business to do from the comfort of your home. Clothing business It very obvious that cloth has been  one of the most essential items of human materials and people like rocking cloths so it is very profitable to go into clothing business. Clothing doesn’t requires huge capital to startup as you can start importing cloths or buy from wholesalers…

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Every business owners must all learn how to be persuasive to their clients, being  persuasive is the act to being able to confuse your customers to buy a product from you and that your product is the solution to their problem, once that is done there are some algorithm which favours and persuade your customers alone which are your content, description and images used. With the above mentioned there is a probability of 50% that your customers will buy your product and to there are some features you have to implement to boost their system to buy whatever you sell.…

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Many individuals doesn’t pass out from college and think it is possible for them to earn online since they’re not graduates, we want to tell you that they are skills you can start earning with online even without a college degree which we are going to share with you skills you can use to earn online even you don’t graduate from college. Teaching your launguage Many people wants to be multi lingual so they aspire to learn any valuable launguage that will allow them to speak and communicate with people. Teaching your launguage is another source of income that doesn’t…

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Starting an ecommerce business is one the business you have to start as an entrepreneur who wants to double his income and wants to earn on a daily basis selling products. There are some options you have to make before you can start and ecommerce business successfully. Register your business with CAC Officially registering your business is the best way to be in the safe side while operating as a business and dealing with cash. While registering your business legally with your country then you will have to put your business name, brand, and logo to the registration and you…

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WhatsApp has about 10 billion active users using WhatsApp and we all know facebook bought the popular chatting app and there is a feature that only people that saves your number can view your status and some people haveany people who saved their number. If you fall in the category of having about 1 thousand views from your WhatsApp status per day then there is a chances of making millions from your WhatsApp status,stay tuned with me as I will share how to make more money with your WhatsApp. Hosting seminars There are some people hosting seminars and teach people…

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Starting a product reselling business is a great way to source for income in Nigeria as it’s advantages is much. And you can start product reselling with no capital and I skills and still generate income. Product reselling (affiliate marketing) is also a good way to generate more income, and you can scale your income that will be made through the product sold because every product has its commission rate, and it has no limit of goods you can sell and it has a very low cost to startup this business. Important party while doing affiliate marketing There are 4…

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Making money online as a student that won’t affect your studies and earn six figures from it, has been every student concerns so as to supplement the money they are been given from their parents. So if you fall in this category make sure you follow the article because I will supply the best business business you can do as a student and make money from it. Copywriting Copy writting has been one of the easiest and lucrative way to make money online as a student as you don’t require much skills or capital. What you have to do is…

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There are some profitable business you can start in 2021 to earn more cash but some of these business are around us yet we don’t know they are profitable unless you don’t know your way around it or you don’t know how to utilize your resources well. Oil and Gas Oil and gas business is one of the best business if you want to triple your income and make more cash. These business has been known to people that is one the most profitable business you can get into and be rich fast but it is very expensive to start…

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POS (point of sales) business has been a proving way to start earning six figures monthly at the comfort of wherever you are. POS has been a popular business since back then in 2015 when the central bank of Nigeria (CBN) officially introduced POS a legal machine that can be used nationwide in Nigeria for sales and all other options POS sales have been a lucrative business to start in Nigeria, those who have a POS machine is called a POS agent, POS business has been popular and lucrative in areas with no bank and those with a POS machine…

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Many business have loses their targeted potential customers due to some mistakes they are not aware of, so if you are one of the person who have loses many potential customers then you have to follow this article so you know how to win back your run away customers and how to retain them so they don’t go again. Understand why they leave  Understanding why your customers leave your business for another should be your most concerns as you will need to know if there are something you are doing wrong you customers don’t like about you,or they don’t like…

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In today’s article we are going to talk about the best programming app you can use to code, debug, compile on Android phone. Many are in a situation of a dilemma of not having money to get themselves a laptop and they aspire to learn coding either for fun, business, and personal purpose. If you fall in these categories of learning coding but no personal computer to get started then go through this article well as it contains all part to make you start coding. Before you can start wishing to learn coding you ought to have learn coding either…

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If you are product owner and want to start making sales for your product you can read this tutorial carefully and follow very well. There is no how you you will want to start online business that you won’t start selling so many lacking or having low knowledge about the tools to use to get started, we are going to list the best tools for you to choose your required tools for your business. Bumpa Bumpa is a nice place to start your business launching with many features and tools that will take your business to the next step. Bumpa…

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