Do you often struggle to discover discussions on Snapchat with your best friends or other individuals you enjoy? To pin a discussion to the top of the chat screen, use Snapchat’s “Pin” function. Snapchat users who are pinned are less likely to miss crucial snaps or messages.

You may learn how to pin individual and group messages on Snapchat by following this instruction. You’ll discover how to manage and unpin pinned chats in the Snapchat app as well.

What Does it mean to “Pin Conversation” on Snapchat?

You may question what it means when Snapchat users use terms like “pin chats,” “pin people,” or “pinned individuals” on other social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook. By using the procedures outlined above, a user may pin conversations or individuals to the top of their screens in the Snapchat app.

On Snapchat, pinning someone has no effect on the status of their account. You don’t even notify the people you pin about it. Within the Snapchat app, this function helps to find a discussion simpler.

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How to Pin Someone on Snapchat

Snapchat chats cannot be pinned in the Snapchat app for Android smartphones; this functionality is only accessible to iOS users. So, if you don’t have an iPhone, you can’t pin people on Snapchat.

In the future, Snapchat may make the capability available to Android users. But as of the t moment, only iPhone users may pin Snapchat chats. Use the instructions below to pin conversations to your Snapchat chat stream if you have an iPhone.

1. Launch Snapchat and slide right to access the Chat or Friends screens from the camera screen.
2. Decide the chat or group you wish to pin.
3. To access your friend’s profile, tap their name or profile image.
4. Select Chat Settings from the menu that appears in the top-right corner of the profile page.
5. From the pop-up menu, choose Pin Conversation.

Now the guides with images

Open Snapchat on your iPhone first if you want to pin a conversation. Tap “Chat” in the app’s bottom bar (a bubble icon).

pin someone on snapchat

Tap and hold the conversation you wish to pin on the “Chat” screen.

pin someone on snapchat

Tap “Chat Settings” in the pop-up menu that appears.

pin someone on snapchat

Tap “Pin Conversation” under “Chat Settings.”

pin someone on snapchat

And the chat you’ve chosen is now permanently pinned to the top of the “Chat” screen. There is a pin icon next to this chat.

pin someone on snapchat

Easily access your favourite conversations!

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How to Unpin a Conversation With Someone on Snapchat

Open Snapchat on your iPhone first to unpin a conversation and take it from the “Chat” screscop. Tap the “Chat” option in the bottom bar of the program (a bubble icon).

pin someone on snapchat

Tap and hold the pinned conversation on the “Chat” screen to make it unpinnable.

pin someone on snapchat

In the menu that appears, tap “Chat Settings.”

pin someone on snapchat

Select “Unpin Conversation” under “Chat Settings.”

pin someone on snapchat

The end of that. Your chosen discussion has been unpinned.

How to Change the Pinned Conversation Icon on Snapchat

If you prefer a different icon than the one that is currently used for pinned conversations, you may swap it out. Returning to the default icon is always an option.

Open Snapchat on your iPhone first to begin. Tap the symbol for your profile in the top-left corner of the app.

pin someone on snapchat

Tap “Settings” in the top-right corner of the profile page (a gear icon).

pin someone on snapchat

Scroll down to the “Additional Services” section on the “Settings” page. Next, choose “Manage.”

pin someone on snapchat

Tap “Friend Emojis” under the “Manage” option.

pin someone on snapchat

Tap “Pinned Conversation” at the bottom of the “Friend Emojis” screen.

pin someone on snapchat

Several symbols are now visible on your screen. Tap an icon on this screen to set it as the default for pinned conversations. That symbol will start appearing for your pinned chats on Snapchat right now.

Tap the back arrow symbol in the top-left corner of the app to go back.

pin someone on snapchat

You are now ready to go.

Being able to instantly access your key conversations is made possible by Snapchat’s feature to pin a discussion. We wish you good use of it.

How many Snapchat users can you pin at once?

Persons of Snapchat are now limited to pinning three users or conversations to the top of the chat feed. Snapchat will show the “Can’t Pin Discussion” error notice when you reach the cap and attempt to pin a (fourth) conversation. Try pinning the individual again after unpinning one of your pinned conversations.

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How to Unblock Someone on Snapchat

You can’t look for someone’s name and then unblock them on Snapchat since banning someone conceals their account from you and yours from them. Instead, go to the Snapchat settings to retrieve your list of prohibited people.

  1. Tap your Bitmoji or username in the top-left corner of the screen while Snapchat is open.
  2. To access Settings, tap the gear symbol in the top-right corner.
  3. Tap Blocked after swiping up to see the Account Actions section.
  4. A list of the usernames of the persons you banned will be visible. To unblock someone, tap the X that appears to the right of their username.
  5. You’re prompted to confirm via Snapchat. If you want to unblock this individual, tap Yes.
  6. Snapchat shows the Yes and Remove from Block buttons in bold
    When you unblock someone, their username is removed from your list of people you’ve blocked.

Full article available here.

What to Do When Someone Is Unblocked

By blocking a user, you stop communicating with them and they are deleted from your Friends list. You must look for the friend and re-add them after unblocking them.

Enter the username in the top search area, then click Add to the right of the user name and profile image. The buddy must also add you back if they are not a public user.

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On several social network instant messaging programs, you may pin conversations. Users may pin up to three, nine, six, or five conversations in WhatsApp, iMessage, Twitter, Telegram, and iMessage, respectively. The thumbtack symbol may be customized on just Snapchat, however.

Close and reopen the Snapchat app and try again if you’re having trouble pinning chats. Bugs impacting the Pin function may also be fixed by updating Snapchat via the App Store.