WhatsApp is a very popular chatting and communication app you can use to chat to your loved ones with an approximately 5 billion users daily.

WhatsApp is owned by meta company by the CEO Mark Zuckerberg 2ho also owned all other chatting app and communication like Instagram, Facebook.

Mark Zuckerberg make an update to change its company name from Facebook to meta in October 2021. Facebook is an app and website and same as the company name due to its existence, Facebook is the first app created by Mark before he expand and buy many other website from their real creator and owner which includes WhatsApp and Instagram.

WhatsApp on the other hand has many potential and feature that offer many creditability than any other app for communicating with your loved ones.

Let move to business of today which is new roll out feature of whatsApp and when am talking about whatsApp I will be talking about the business WhatsApp also.


WhatsApp offers a Security for your messages, call and other things, even WhatsApp can’t view, listen to your messages and view your calls list because your messages, calls and other items on your WhatsApp are end to end encrypted which means anyone outside your chat and calls can hear or view them.

WhatsApp offers another solution to secure your WhatsApp app with lock which includes pun and fingerprint which means nobody can unlock your WhatsApp and view your messages and calls without your permission.

WhatsApp security lock is as very well strong and there no way to bypass the security so when you encrypt your app then anyone can’t access anything even your dashboard.

To access the security and enable it we are going to walk you through the steps which includes for Whatsapp and WhatsApp business.


  1. Click on the three dots icon at the top right corner of your messages dashboard.
  2. Then a pop up will appear so you have to choose settings.
  3. Once you are already in the settings look for security.
  4. Once you are in security tab you scroll down and look for fingerprint.
  5. Then click it then it being in an option to put your finger then your app is already secured with WhatsApp security.

WhatsApp business

  1. Click at the three dots icon at the top of your messages dashboard.
  2. There will be a popup of a layout which includes settings.
  3. Click in the settings and it will take you to the main setting.
  4. Then click the account tab and it will take you to an option to choose what you want to do.
  5. Choose privacy and it will lead you to a page where to scroll down then see the fingerprint option.
  6. Then enter your fingerprint and your app is been secured.


WhatsApp offers privacy that allows you to filter who you can message and who can message you, see your status and many other options.

Profile photo

There is many privacy option which profile photo is also among one of the privacy which is a setting that will allow you to filter who can see your profile picture.

Some of the option you can filter you can use is everyone which allows everyone to see your profile picture.

My contact is the option to show it to whom you svaed their number to your contact list.

My contact except is also an option to to filter some people out of your contact saved on your contact which won’t see your profile picture.

Nobody is the option to make nobody see your profile picture and this option will be useless if you use a profile picture because only you can see it.

Last seen

Last seen is a great feature integrate with WhatsApp which allows you to see when people login last and active last.

You can disable who can see when you are active last and if you don’t allow people to see when you login last then you also won’t be able to see for other people also.

And you can filter who can see your last seen which everyone is the default settings so you only have my contact, my contact except and nobody.


You can use this option to show or disable your location for some people to view and if you allow these setting open then it will be easy for people to locate you and it is not advisable for security reasons. So you can set it to nobody sonstrabgers can see your location.


This feature is to filter who you can see their status and the default settings is your contacts and the only option left is nobody and my contact except because WhatsApp only allows you to view only saved contact status only.

You can also filter out you also can see their status, if you don’t like seeing some people status then you can block them from not showing in your status list using the my contact except option.


Have you ever found out that some people will just invite and add you to some groups that you are not aware of and you will be like you don’t tell them you have interest of their groups so that is where this option comes.

If you allow everyone to be able to add you, then you will just found your self to some groups do you can set it to nobody so anybody who want you in their group will invite you instead of adding you directly and you can decline it.


Everybody has their about section of their WhatsApp so you can block who you don’t want to see the option and these will filter them out not to see your about page.


If someone is disturbing you too much you can block the.peraon and the lersin won’t be able to message you neither call you again on WhatsApp so you can view blocked contact and you can add some people to your click contact list if you don’t need then again.