In today’s article am going to walk you through how to share your phone’s internet connection with your PC.

Many people have been in a delima of been frustrated while sharing their phones connection with their Laptops, computers, and palmtops, make sure you go through this article well because it contains all sources to get your phone internet connected to your PC.

Well we all know that a device such as mobile phone, computers, laptops and other gadgets are useless without internet connection. Internet connection is a very strong wall that connects you to people, make you learn more, knows what go around you, learn new things, meet more people and internet has been a workplace for some people, and I need to tell you that you need an internet connection to make your gadget lively and useful.

Before I delve into connection of phone’s internet to PC, I will like to inform you that you don’t need to buy portable WiFi network like spectranet, smile and others before you can use connection on your PC, I will be going through every aspect of sharing your phone Internet.

What do you need to start 

You don’t need something special to start sharing your phone connection with your personal computer and you don’t need a premium app or tools to get started, all what you need is;

  1. Your phone
  2. A sim card
  3. Internet service provider (ISP)
  4. A USB cord
  5. A compatible computers


This is the major tools you will be using while sharing your phone internet because your phone will serve as the host. It is the host because it is the items or tools that is hosting or rendering the internet connection.

Phone is a very common device among these days and it is so easy to get a mobile phone, to start connecting your phone with your personal computer your phone isn’t must to be a full Specifications or require one devices.

You can use any phone to start the connection and most phones can do that if it’s has a connection tethering option, you don’t require to buy an expensive phone to start the connection.

Sim card

This also essential because a phone is useless without sim cards because you will have to call your loved ones, connect to friends and family though calling and it also serves as an internet providers for mobile users.

Some laptops uses Sim cards just by using a gadget called modem, it is very rare to find these days because the world is going digital and new updates is rolling with different modes and advanced tools.

Sim card is not something that is very difficult to find as it is very surplus  around us and if you don’t find one you can walk in to service provider in your area, there is no how there won’t be a service provider around you, you can ask people around you.

Internet Service Provider

You need am internet service provider where you will get the data connection from, you have to pay before you start receiving service from the internet service provider.

An Internet service provider are the company who sells your sim card to you, so you have to walk in to the appropriate quarters while looking for service provider as there are as many internet service provider in some countries.

You have to pay for the service there are going to render you, there are different modes Internet service providers uses to accept payment from you based in different countries and location, some uses mobile app to allow their users to recharge their line, some go around their customers house to accept payment for their service, these set of people who go around people houses collect payment monthly and it occurs in developed countries, some uses voucher which you will use to recharge your line.

USB cord 

This is also required while connecting your phone with your laptop to share connection, I know some will be wondering how on earth could we use USB cord to share connection but I wanna tell you it is possible.

We all know what an USB cord is? Since we are all familiar to phones and personal computer we will all know what a USB cord is, it is what majority of us uses to transfer files from our phone to computers and vice versa, charge our phones and I am gladly telling you that you can also use it to share Internet connection to your PC, I will walk you through through the step to connect with your USB cord.

Compatible computer

You need a compatible computer who can access your phone connection because some PC doesn’t connect to some service like Bluetooth, hotspots, and some other services.

You need a computer that is very good for the connection and it is not a must is a higher or expensive version, if it has Bluetooth, hotspots, and wifi options and your computer is not having a fault, some laptops require flashing before they can start using their bluetooth, hotspots option and many other so you can meet your engineer for more information, if you have a good laptop with the required Information above then you are ready to go.

Steps to connect your phone to your computer

There are fours ways in sharing your phone internet which are;

Hotspot option

This require no extra skills as we all know what this is if we are using a smart phone let me go into it straight.

  1. On your phone hotspot
  2. On your computer WiFi
  3. Then search for available connection then you see your mobile
  4. Click on it and enter required security questions or password
  5. You are connected

Bluetooth option

This require the both device to on their bluetooth options

  1. After you on both device Bluetooth, make sure you on the mobile phone visibility option so computer will be able to find it
  2. Connect both device together by pairing both, you will see each other while you search
  3. Go to your phone’s setting and click on tethering option
  4. go to Bluetooth option and toggle it on
  5. you are connected

USB Option

  1. Insert your USB to the PC and plug it to the phone
  2. Go to your tethering option in your phone settings
  3. You will see Bluetooth option
  4. Toggle it on
  5. You are connected 

NB: make sure you on the phone internet connection to make it work well