when you keep trying to make an online payment with your Emerald card but fail and become frustrated. You won’t have to wonder why your Emerald card is being rejected anytime you want to make an online payment once I explain why it is being refused.

Have you ever needed to know “why is my card declining?” Since no one can instantly determine what the problem is, this error is undoubtedly the most frustrating card error.

Furthermore, you only see this issue while attempting to complete payment and go on in the purchasing process.

The list of problems that cause the error “card refused by issuing bank” and how to remedy it will now be reduced to 10. The remedy for each problem is given to aid in finding a solution. Hope this was useful.

Read Also: What are the requirements for the recharge card printing business?

The credit card s no longer valid.

It’s possible that you were attempting to start the transaction using an expired card. The average debit and credit card expiry period is three (3) years.

A replacement is then given out physically or digitally in the bank. Check the patch below if your card is being rejected for these or other frequent reasons by the issuing bank.

Solution (What to do) 

Verify the card’s expiration date. The lower part of the front of the debit or credit card often has this information. You could see something like 12/22, where the “12” before the slash denotes the expiry month and the “22” after it denotes the expiration year. If this date has already gone, get a new one from your bank.

Transaction ceiling attained

Your transactions may be subject to a threshold limit imposed by your bank. The cap is N1 million for domestic transactions and merely $100 for overseas transactions for the majority of Nigerian banks. By bank, these restrictions vary. This is done to aid in preventing the theft of the customer’s money.

Solution (What to do) 

Plan your payments based on your knowledge of your constraints. In order to boost your limit to the required amount, you may also visit your bank and complete certain documents and an indemnification.

You have the incorrect kind of card.

Although there are several other possible technical issues with the card, using the incorrect card type will eventually result in your transaction failing.


To have the right kind of card issued for you, get in touch with your bank. For example, only Verve Global Card may be used for foreign transactions if it is activated. Verve Local is unable to do international business.

Perhaps you typed the incorrect PIN.

Every card contains a special, pre-determined Personal Identification Number (PIN). The PIN is your primary form of security and is often a 4-digit string of digits. If the PIN is requested, it must be entered accurately in order for the transaction to be completed.


Just commit your PIN to memory. If you’re confused about the PINs since you’re using several cards, simply pause, take a long breath, and try again. Call your bank (the issuer) to get your PIN reset if you’re still uncertain. After the third wrong input, the majority of cards shut users out.

You are starting a prohibited activity.

Most likely, only basic transaction functions on your new debit or credit card are enabled. These include local POS transactions, local internet purchases, local ATM transfers, and local ATM withdrawals. Check the patch below if your card is being rejected for these or other frequent reasons by the issuing bank. The main goal of this is to increase the safety of your money from foreign hackers.


To learn what your card is permitted to accomplish, get in touch with your bank. Your bank may be able to temporarily waive the restriction if you’re starting a prohibited activity.

Problematic internet connections

Your card may be being denied for one of the most frequent causes, although nobody generally checks it first. Your internet connection could have lost power during the preparation of your payment page. For a payment website to function, you need an internet connection.


To ensure that the internet connection is reliable and robust, check your internet router. Retry the transaction after that.

You’re starting a strange transaction.

Every client, so the saying goes, has a consumer character; this implies that you truly have a regular spending pattern that you may not even be aware of. When a transaction deviates from this pattern, such as when the amount is too large or the frequency is suspect, a bank robot issues a Post No Debit (PND) order to your account to block the transaction. This security measure is intended to protect your money against possible theft.


Your bank will likely get in touch with you initially using an authorized method to allay any concerns. If your bank does get in touch with you, give them a polite but firm comment concerning the transaction’s veracity. Then, attempt the transaction once again at the suggested time.

You are located in a geo-restricted area.

Some banks and financial institutions place limits on certain areas outside of your own nation or region where fraud activity may be thought to be significant. Check the patch below if your card is being rejected for these or other frequent reasons by the issuing bank.


You may need to tell your bank to activate it for that purpose or location if you are attempting to conduct a transaction outside of your primary country or region, such as an international internet purchase. For instance, you must notify your bank and provide them with information about your vacation plans, including the time.

You lack the necessary cash.

Therefore, the most frequent reason for a card to be refused is this. Banks and other financial institutions only let you draw on your available cleared amount unless you have access to an overdraft facility. Your payment method will very certainly be rejected if what you have is insufficient to cover the transaction you’re attempting to complete.


To ensure that you can start your transaction, keep a careful check on your account balance at all times. If at all possible, check your account balance before contacting PayPal, the website, or a physical location since card rejects and the reasons why they occur are also recorded for an audit trail.

You provided false card information.

This mistake happens a lot as well. You will need to provide certain card information in order to complete debit or credit card transactions. This information may contain the card number, expiration date, CVV, postal address, cardholder’s name, and so forth. If you input these data incorrectly, you won’t be able to complete your purchase.


Check all the card information you manually entered again, and fix any mistakes you notice. Additionally, confirm that the cardholder information you have supplied corresponds to your personal information as it appears in your bank account.


It may be awkward, annoying, or even inconvenient when a transaction is declined. But some of the reasons may really be avoided. Even after it’s occurred, certain problems are easily and quickly resolved. However, you often need to speak with your bank to get guidance or take action.