If you deal a lot with tech, PC, and the internet, you would probably come across a situation where you’ll need to copy and paste between android and windows and you don’t know how to go about it. Then you are in the right place.

Because in this article, i will be explaining in an easy-to-follow step, how to copy and paste between android and windows.

How to Copy and Paste Between Android and Windows

The simplest approach to moving files between your devices is by using the Universal Clipboard. As you can probably guess, the files, in this case, are document files. It’s intriguing that the method will be supported by both Windows 10 and Windows 11.

The following is how to start:

  • Find the best match by typing “settings” into the Start menu search box.
  • From there, choose System > Clipboard.
  • Now, turn on the switches for Clipboard history and Sync between devices.
  • To sync copied text automatically, select the radio button.
  • Your computer will activate the Universal Clipboard if you follow the above procedures.
  • After copying the text you want, just click paste. The text will be saved in the clipboard history.

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Step two is to install SwiftKey Keyboard on your Android device.

You must now install the Microsoft Swift Key Keyboard on your Android device. Open the application and choose Enable SwiftKey once the installation is finished.

On the following screen, enable SwiftKey Keyboard. A caution dialog box will appear; click OK to proceed.

On the home screen, press the SwiftKey Select button to return. Select the Microsoft SwiftKey Keyboard when prompted to select an input method, and then click Finish.

Sign in to SwiftKey right away using the email address you use to access your PC. If you don’t want to share your data with Microsoft, click the next question to complete the installation.

Under Settings on the SwiftKey keyboard, choose Rich input. It is recommended to turn on the settings labeled “Sync clipboard history,” “Remember copied objects,” and “Show last copied item as speedy paste option on prediction bar.”

Now I’m done. Text can now be copied and pasted in any location on a Windows PC.


You should probably keep a running list of strange ideas in your Android phone if your line of work even somewhat involves imagination. With the aforementioned method, syncing text files between Windows and Android is simple.