There are many reasons why your TV can turn on but not display an image. This article will help you do some easy Fixes for Common Smart TV Problems.

The most frequent explanation is that your TV is set to the incorrect input. By pressing the “input,” “source,” or “TV/Video” buttons on your TV remote, you can often change the input. To get your image back, keep pressing the button to cycle among the inputs.

Make sure your cable or satellite receiver is switched on and that all connections are tight if you are using the right input but still don’t get an image. If you’ve already done that, your cable box may need to be reset by being unplugged and then replugged in.

Try using a different device if it doesn’t fix the problem. You should contact your provider for support if you can see an image on another device since this indicates that there is probably a problem with your signal or the box itself.

Nowadays, the Smart TV serves as the focal point of many houses’ entertainment setups. They are rapidly approaching the same level of ubiquity as the good ol’ CRT television during its prime.

Despite being cutting-edge pieces of technology, they are nonetheless susceptible to faults. In this essay, we cover the most prevalent (and frustrating) problems that owners have with their Smart TVs and offer potential solutions.

Due to the fact that every issue has a variety of potential causes, it should be noted that the fast cures recommended here are merely suggestions and not guarantees.

This is perhaps one of the most infamously irritating issues that many Smart TV customers face.

When you switch the device on, nothing appears on the screen; it is completely blank. Even though there are many potential causes, there are a few things you may do that can help it go better soon.

A system restart is likely to cure the issue if the LED backlights are operating correctly and your T-Con and mainboards are operating as anticipated.

Resetting the TV involves turning it off, disconnecting it, waiting a short while, then plugging it back in and turning it back on. You might try a system reboot or factory reset if it doesn’t work.

It should be noted that while your TV normally has to be rebooted or factory reset using the smart TV’s menu system, this will not be a simple process given that your screen is not functioning.

You may read about a scenario in which this was done to fix a black screen issue on a TCL Roku Smart TV in a previous article. With the help of the remote control, you can navigate through the menus without actually seeing them, but you’ll need to know which buttons to hit and how many times to push them.

If you do not know this information for your particular TV model, you might try using a flashlight to shine light from the front onto the blacked-out screen.

To navigate the menus and conduct a reboot/factory reset, you should be able to make out the pictures on the screen if the beam is powerful enough. For further information on how to carry out these tasks, consult the reference handbook that came with your equipment as required.

Read Also: how to connect your PC to TV using HDMI

Video not matching Audio

Nothing is more aggravating than when you can see someone’s lips moving but can’t hear what they are saying. You hear someone say “hi” after their mouth has stopped moving after you watch them open and close. It is like listening to a voice-over in a foreign movie.

You should change the “audio delay” in the audio settings on your TV or cable box. You should regain harmony as a result.

Hearing an Echo

If you can hear an echo, you most likely have an external sound system, such as a soundbar or surround sound system, and you have both your TV speakers AND your external sound system’s volume turned up.

If you have a separate sound system, you DO NOT want to play sound via the TV speakers since it will always generate an echo and the separate sound system you purchased is far more expensive due to its superior acoustic quality.

You should only utilise your external sound system and turn off, mute, or completely down the level on your TV’s speakers. The echo should disappear as a result.

The picture is pixelating or breaking up

You most likely have a poor signal if your TV image is pixelating (everything seems to be a collection of squares), breaking up, or cutting in and out.

To make sure that all connections are secure, check the connections from the wall to your cable box and from the cable box to your TV. You must speak with your cable or satellite provider if you’re still having problems.

Smart TV not connecting to Wifi

  • Turning off, disconnecting, and waiting a while (be patient) will restart your TV. The same might be done with your wireless router.
  • Check the connections of your other devices to ensure your wifi is operational. For instance, check the Internet connection on your smartphone. Check your TV’s connection once again if your phone is operating normally. If the connection problem persists, try connecting your TV to the network via an Ethernet cable to further rule out your router as a possible cause.
  • If so, check the router once again. Continue with the following steps if you are certain that your router is operating flawlessly.
  • Reset your TV to factory settings. This is a significant step since it involves returning the TV to its factory settings once all customising work has been completed.
  • If the issue still exists after this, you may need to speak with the manufacturer or a repairman since there could be a hardware problem (e.g., a bad wifi module, etc.).

When software goes bad, we go mad.

The first thing to check is your Internet access if your preferred Smart TV app has gone rogue and ceased functioning as normal (refer to above). Once you’re certain that everything is well with the wifi, you may try these things:

  • Unplug the TV, turn it off, wait a few minutes, and then plug it back in. This should restart the Apps and, in some situations, resolve the problem.
  • If not, make sure the app is still compatible with your TV. Older smart TV devices may no longer be supported by certain applications. To find out, you may have to do some research, but you should start with the app’s official website. On their websites, they often include a list of compatible devices (e.g., Netflix Supported Devices page, etc.).
  • Update or reinstall the programme. The menu system on the TV allows you to do this. While you’re about it, you should also make sure the software and firmware on your TV are current.
  • Rest/Reboot the system. This procedure aims to update and re-initialize each app. Similar to a factory reset, it locks out users and erases accounts as well as user personalization. You can accomplish this using the TV’s menu system, but you may need to consult your device’s handbook to figure out how to do it specifically. You may refer to a prior article where identical actions were taken to resolve Netflix app issues on a Samsung Smart TV. A problem with Hulu on a Samsung TV was covered in a previous piece.


You may read about a scenario in which this was done to fix a black screen issue on a TCL Roku Smart TV in a previous article. With the help of the remote control, you can navigate through the menus without actually seeing them, but you’ll need to know which buttons to hit and how many times to push them.

If you do not know this information for your particular TV model, you might try using a flashlight to shine light from the front onto the blacked-out screen.