You could save a great deal of future harm by notifying your bank as soon as a critical circumstance, such as losing your ATM card, is discovered. If you bank with Polaris Bank, you must call or email the institution to request that your ATM card be disabled.

As much trouble as the bank can cause you by blocking your ATM, it is equally beneficial to learn how to do so on your own so that you can act swiftly and prevent any potential harm. ATM thefts have occurred often, and con artists are constantly on the hunt for unsuspecting victims.

How to use the Polaris USSD Code to block your ATM card

Don’t panic if you can’t find your Polaris debit card on a day when banks are closed and can’t go to the bank to report it lost. You can deactivate your card by using the Polaris USSD code to accomplish your goal. The steps are listed below.

You can access this page by dialing *833*4# from any registered mobile phone. You will be prompted for your USSD pin (833), as well as the mobile number you used to start the account. Every subsequent attempt to use your debit card would be unsuccessful since your report would be locked.

Read also: How to a Block UBA ATM Card Fast in just 5 Minutes

How to block your  ATM Card Using Polaris bank  mobile Banking Service

You can block your ATM card using the Polaris mobile  self-service by obeying the steps below:

  • Go to the play store and download the mobile banking App.
  • Create a profile or log in with the details of your rights
  • Click on the option “service.”
  • As it loads into a new page, choose the card option hotlisted
  • Then, Choose the ATM card type.
  • Several options would be displayed; choose the best option that describes your reason for wanting to block the card.
  • Confirm all your details
  • Ensure you submit to make it successful.
  • After this, the bank would block your card automatically.

How to Block your ATM Card via the Polaris Online Banking

Polaris online banking is a great platform that delivers and offers a rapid solution to customers. Are you a victim of a stolen debit card and you want to deactivate it using the online platform? Then the following steps would help you:

Note: If you do not have an already existing account, it won’t be easy to do the above. Thus, a registration with your details is required. When you are done providing all necessary information, submit and proceed following the steps above.

Contacting the Polaris Customer care services

One of the best ways to avoid any damages resulting from missing ATM cards is to quickly inform the customers care representatives, who are always swift to provide a solution to customers. You can access customer care through any of the means below:

  • Email:


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