Popular home security system Eufy Doorbell has cutting-edge features like motion recognition, 2K video quality, and configurable notifications. You are not alone, though, if you have a Eufy buzzer and are experiencing issues with motion sensing.

Numerous users have complained that their Eufy buzzer is not correctly sensing motion. This piece will cover the potential causes of your Eufy buzzer not sensing activity as well as possible solutions.

Reasons why Eufy doorbell may not detect motion:

  1. Improper placement or installation: The Eufy buzzer may not be able to sense movements as it should if it is placed improperly. For correct motion recognition, the doorbell’s location and orientation are crucial. If the doorbell is not placed properly, it might not be able to record motion in the intended location or it might notice motion in an inappropriate location. Therefore, it’s crucial to put the buzzer according to the manufacturer’s directions and place it at the suggested height and elevation.
  2. Low sensitivity settings: The Eufy doorbell’s sensitivity levels are programmable, and if they are set too low, it might not be able to sense motion. The buzzer may not detect activity in the intended region or may completely skip it if the sensitivity levels are set too low. To guarantee precise motion recognition, adjust the sensitivity options in the Eufy Security software to the proper level.
  3. Interference from other devices: Motion tracking on the Eufy intercom may be hampered by other gadgets like Wi-Fi networks, infant monitors, or other security cams. The buzzer may interact with these devices if it is positioned too near to them, which could impair motion recognition. Move the disruptive devices away from the buzzer or change their settings to reduce disturbance to fix this issue.
  4. Firmware or software issues: The Eufy buzzer may not be able to sense movements properly if its code or software is out of current. If any upgrades are available, check the Eufy Security programme for them and activate them. The hardware and software upgrades could eliminate problems and enhance the functionality of the buzzer.
  5. Obstructions in the field of view: The Eufy doorbell’s video may not identify movements if there are any obstacles like vegetation or items in the way. Inaccurate motion recognition could result from the camera missing motion in that region if its field of view is blocked. For precise motion recognition, eliminate any obstacles in front of the camera.

Steps to troubleshoot Eufy doorbell’s motion detection:

Here are the steps to troubleshoot Eufy doorbell’s motion detection:

  1. Check the placement and angle of the doorbell: Ensure that the doorbell is installed correctly, and the angle is appropriate for capturing motion in the desired area. Reposition the doorbell if necessary.
  2. Adjust the motion detection settings: Check the sensitivity settings in the Eufy Security app and adjust them to an appropriate level. Also, customize the motion detection zone to capture only the desired area.
  3. Check for obstructions: Ensure that there are no obstructions in front of the doorbell’s camera that may be affecting motion detection. Remove any obstructions that may be present.
  4. Update firmware and software: Check for firmware and software updates in the Eufy Security app and install them if available. The updates may fix bugs and improve the doorbell’s performance.
  5. Check for interference: Check for any other devices that may be interfering with the Eufy doorbell’s motion detection, such as Wi-Fi routers or other security cameras. Move these devices away from the doorbell or adjust their settings to minimize interference.
  6. Use a wedge kit: If the doorbell’s angle is not optimal for motion detection, consider using a wedge kit to improve its angle.
  7. Clean the lens: If the doorbell’s camera lens is dirty or has accumulated debris, clean it with a soft cloth to ensure clear images and accurate motion detection.
  8. Restart the doorbell: Try restarting the doorbell by disconnecting it from the power source and reconnecting it after a few minutes.

If these steps do not resolve the issue, consider contacting Eufy customer support for further assistance.

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Additional tips and tricks to improve Eufy doorbell’s motion detection

  1. Adjust the motion detection zone: With the Eufy buzzer, you can modify the motion sensing area. The zone can be configured to only record the desired region, reducing erroneous alerts and improving the precision of motion recognition. To change the motion sensing zone, use the Eufy Security software.
  2. Use a wedge kit: A useful tool that can enhance the doorbell’s orientation and record movements in the desired region is a wedge package. The component allows the doorbell to be angled differently so that motion can be captured more precisely. If you believe that the doorbell’s orientation needs to be adjusted, you might want to use a wedge tool to enhance motion sensing.
  3. Keep the lens clean: The doorbell’s sensor might gather grit or other detritus over time, which would impair the camera’s functionality. To guarantee clear pictures and precise motion recognition, clean the lens frequently with a gentle cloth.
  4. Use a higher resolution: You can alter the camera’s quality using the Eufy buzzer. In order to correctly identify movements, a better quality can aid to catch more details in the video. Keep in mind, though, that greater clarity might necessitate more storing room.
  5. Install a Wi-Fi extender: Inaccurate motion recognition may occur if the Eufy intercom is placed too far from the Wi-Fi network due to communication problems. The link and functionality of the intercom can be enhanced by installing a Wi-Fi extension nearby.
  6. Use the advanced motion detection feature: A sophisticated motion recognition function on the Eufy doorbell makes precise use of AI algorithms to find motion. The precision of motion recognition can be improved and erroneous alerts can be decreased by turning on this function.

By following these tips and tricks, you can improve the Eufy doorbell’s motion detection and enhance your home security.


A great house security system that can give you piece of mind is the Eufy buzzer. It can be irritating, though, if you are experiencing issues with motion recognition. You should be able to enhance the motion recognition capabilities of your Eufy intercom by using the debugging advice and additional pointers and techniques stated in this article. Get more help from Eufy customer service if you’re still having problems.

Q1: Why is my Eufy Doorbell not detecting motion?

A1: If your Eufy Doorbell is not detecting motion, first, ensure that motion detection is enabled in the Eufy Security app. Check the sensitivity settings and adjust them as needed to improve motion detection. If the issue persists, try resetting the doorbell and reconfiguring the motion detection settings.

Q2: How do I adjust the motion detection settings on my Eufy Doorbell?

A2: To adjust the motion detection settings on your Eufy Doorbell, open the Eufy Security app, select your doorbell, and navigate to the motion detection settings. Adjust the sensitivity, detection zones, and other settings according to your preferences.

Q3: How do I reset my Eufy Doorbell?

A3: To reset your Eufy Doorbell, locate the reset button, usually found on the side or back of the doorbell. Press and hold the reset button for approximately 10 seconds until the doorbell's indicator light starts flashing. This signifies that the doorbell has been reset and is ready for setup.

Q4: Can I adjust the Eufy Doorbell's video quality settings?

A4: Yes, you can adjust the video quality settings of your Eufy Doorbell through the Eufy Security app. Select your doorbell and navigate to the video quality settings. Adjust the resolution and other settings according to your preferences.

Q5: How do I set up activity zones for my Eufy Doorbell?

A5: To set up activity zones for your Eufy Doorbell, open the Eufy Security app, select your doorbell, and navigate to the motion detection settings. Follow the instructions to create custom activity zones, which will allow the doorbell to focus on specific areas for motion detection.