For some reason, you could be needing to upload a picture on Instagram with an attitude kind of caption but you can’t seem to come up with an attitude caption for Instagram. Don’t stress anymore because, in this article, you will find over a 100+ attitude captions for Instagram for you.

Best Attitude Captions for Instagram

  1. If there is no one to hold your hand put your hands in your pocket and continue your walk.
  2. My attitude is based on the way you treat me.
  3. When life throws a rock at you, build a catapult and hurl back a boulder.
  4. If you ever think I am ignoring you, I swear I am. My phone is in my hand 24×7.
  5. People understand you by your attitude. If your attitude is bad, you are bad. If your attitude is good, you are good.
  6. I’m at the point where I don’t want to impress anyone anymore. If people like me the way I am, great. If they don’t, well, it’s their loss.
  7. For success, Attitude is equally as important as Ability.
  8. Your attitude is like a price tag, it shows how valuable you are.
  9. Silence is the best response when you’re dealing with an idiot.
  10. I’m not sorry for being rude; I’m not sorry for being myself.
  11. Never get so busy doing the kingdom’s work that you forget who the King is.
  12. he difference between a pizza and your opinion is that I only asked for the pizza.
  13. That which kills you is that which challenges me and makes me feel alive.
  14. I am that magical wind that can turn into a storm when broken.
  15. I refuse to have a battle of wits with an unarmed person.
  16. I do good, but I am not an angel. I do sin, but I am not a devil.
  17. I define my own life. I don’t let people write my script.
  18. I tried being like you, my personality didn’t like it
  19. Attitude is like a wristwatch. Every watch shows a different time than others, and everyone thinks his watch is showing the right time.
  20. I am multi-talented; I can talk and piss you off simultaneously.
  21. You couldn’t have handled me even if I came with instructions. I’m not weird; I just fall outside your narrow view of the world.
  22. The harder you fall, the higher you bounce.
  23. My attitude is a reflection of my personality.
  24. I’m not bossy; I just know what I want.
  25. A bad attitude is like a flat tire; you won’t get anywhere till you change it.
  26. The only time I look down on anyone is when I’m trying to help them up.
  27. My true colours may not always be pleasant in the eyes of others, but as long as you find them beautiful, I don’t need anyone else to accept them.
  28. They told me I couldn’t, that’s why I did.
  29. It’s not an Attitude, It’s the way I Am.
  30. Don’t let Monday get you down; let’s get up and get going.
  31. Your attitude can make all the difference in how your day will begin and end.

Instagram Captions for Girls Attitude

  1. If you treat me like a queen, I’ll treat you like a king. If you treat me like a game, I’ll show you exactly how it’s played.
  2. You can’t compare me to the next girl because there is no competition. I’m one of a kind, and that’s real.
  3. I just finished blocking some numbers on WhatsApp; if you can read this, you got lucky!
  4. There is always a wild side to an innocent face.
  5. Treat me like a princess.
  6. You cant break a girl that has walked through fire and danced in storms.
  7. Aside from gravity, nothing in life can keep me down.
  8. Maturity is when you realise self-respect is more important than love.
  9. Beauty is only skin deep. Attitude is down to the bone.
  10. Attitude is the mirror of your entire being.
  11. If you want to improve your life, start working on your attitude first.
  12. If you don’t like something, change it and If you can’t change it, change your attitude.
  13. My “style” isn’t for everyone, but my “personality” is.
  14. I got it from my mama.
  15. Not every queen needs a king.
  16. Fashion, food, friends and frosty drinks. Friday nights in the best way.
  17. Attitude and knowledge are the best foundation of real beauty.
  18. I’m the perfect combination of all my flaws.
  19. Be picky with selfies and pickier with men.
  20. The better you feel about yourself, the less you need to show off.
  21. Attitude, knowledge, and skills are the real beauty.
  22. A negative attitude is nine times more powerful than a positive attitude.
  23. A can-do attitude is all one needs it acts as a bridge between success
    and failure.
  24. I’m the way I’m, and I will always be.
  25. Not always ‘Available’… Try your Luck.
  26. Please don’t interrupt me while I’m ignoring you.
  27. It is a positive attitude towards life that makes dreams come true.

Also Read: Best One Word Instagram Caption

Attitude Instagram Captions for Boys

  1. Always hold your head up
  2. Just living my best life.
  3. I hear them talking behind my back; at least there is a reason why they are behind me.
  4. Don’t confuse my personality and my attitude. My personality is who I am. But my attitude? That depends on YOU.
  5. My attitude is based on your behavior.
  6. Good is not good enough. I deserve more, and that’s greatness.
  7. I don’t take shit personally from someone who doesn’t know me.
  8. Whatever comes my way, I take it with a smile.
  9. If you want to cry, use a tissue not your status.
  10. A bad attitude is like a flat tire,you won’t get anywhere till you change it.
  11. If you don’t control your attitude, then it will control you.
  12. I’m not usually one for taking selfies, but this one is pretty great.
  13. I’m not really into taking pictures of myself, but this one turned out pretty well.
  14. I’m making yesterday jealous by making today awesome.
  15. When you take control of your attitude, you take control of your life.
  16. Let me file that under “I don’t care.”
  17. Give the world a reason to remember your name.
  18. A strong positive mental attitude will create more miracles than any wonder drug.
  19. Keep your face towards the sunshine. You will never see the shadow.
  20. I don’t have an attitude problem. You have a problem with my attitude, and that is not my problem.
  21. Being a male is a matter of birth. Being a man is a matter of choice.
  22. You couldn’t have handled me even if I came with instructions.
  23. When you take control of your attitude, you take control of your life.
  24. Don’t judge someone’s attitude until you have felt their pain.
  25. People say smoking kills, but what about feelings, bro?
  26. I will sacrifice whatever is necessary to be the best.
  27. Success is the by-product of your attitude.

Positive Attitude Quotes for Instagram

  1. There can be no positive result through a negative attitude. Think positive. Live positive.
  2. A problem is a chance for you to do your best.
  3. I can’t change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails always to reach my destination.
  4. Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory.
  5. A positive attitude causes a chain reaction of positive thoughts, events and outcomes. It is a catalyst, and it sparks extraordinary results.
  6. Put your positive pants on!
  7. Don’t change so people will like you. Be yourself, and the right people will love the real you.
  8. Be not afraid of life. Believe that life is worth living; your belief will help create the fact.
  9. Positivity brings about peace of mind which relaxes your whole being.
  10. If you can’t change your fate, change your attitude.
  11. Winners focus on winning, and losers focus on winners.
  12. I am not perfect, but I am a limited edition.
  13. Don’t be afraid of being outnumbered; eagles fly alone. Pigeons flock together.
  14. When it rains, it pours? But soon, the sun shines again. Stay positive. Better days are on their way.
  15. The more you feed your mind with positive thoughts, the more you can attract great things into your life.
  16. I really don’t care what you think about me. Unless you think I’m awesome. In that case – you’re totally right. Carry on!
  17. There is a sense that things if you keep optimistic about what can be done, do work out.
  18. A positive attitude can really make dreams come true.
  19. Everywhere you go, make positive deposits rather than negative withdrawals. You can be a people builder.
  20. Never argue with a fool or an idiot otherwise you will be known one of them
  21. If you are positive, you’ll see opportunities instead of obstacles.
  22. A positive attitude will lead to positive outcomes.
  23. Rise up and attack the day with enthusiasm.
  24. Your attitude is like a price tag, and it shows how valuable you are.z

Also Read: How to reply to a message on instagram Using Different Ways

Smile Attitude Captions for Instagram

  1. The good news is I’m smiling. The bad news is it’s the kind of smile that people should fear.
  2. I like to smile. I smile even when I’m nervous since it calms me down and shows my friendliness.
  3. You shouldn’t ever regret something that made you smile.
  4. Smiling is the best way to face every problem, crush every fear and hide every pain.
  5. The best way to start your day is with a smile.
  6. Smiling is the best way to face it every day.
  7. Wear a big smile and have fun!
  8. A smile is a curve that can set everything straight.
  9. Killer smile, killer attitude.
  10. A big, toothy grin is sure to make others smile
  11. Sending you a big smile, and hoping it brings a big smile to your face too.
  12. Smile and the world will smile back.
  13. Attitude is not what you learn from school, it is part of your nature from within.
  14. Your smile is the first thing they notice. Make sure it’s on point.
  15. If you’re happy, let your smile be your umbrella.
  16. My smile is a reflection of my positive attitude and my happiness.
  17. Smile often, laugh uncontrollably, and never forget how much you are loved.
  18. Wear a smile and have the world wonder what you’ve been up to.
  19. Smile more, stress less.
  20. We’re all for any outfit that makes you smile.
  21. The best way to spread happiness is by smiling.
  22. I smile even at my enemies.
  23. It’s smile Monday. Let’s see if we can make it last all day.
  24. Smile, life is beautiful.
  25. You know it’s going to be a good day when you put on your favourite pair of sunshine. A smile on your face and a song in your heart are just all you need to rock through life!
  26. Thanks for the smiles.
  27. It doesn’t matter where you are or what you’re doing, a smile always brightens up everything. So learn to wear one.
  28. Smile, and the world will smile with you.

Cool Attitude Caption

  1. Don’t follow me; I’m lost.
  2. My life. My rules. My attitude.
  3. It is wise to adopt a change in life.
  4. I’m the girl you’ve always wanted.
  5. I hate compromising my dreams for others.
  6. No guts, no glory, no legend, no story.
  7. How can I miss something I never had?
  8. There is a perennial construction going on on the road to success.
  9. Your attitude determines your direction.
  10. I am not afraid to walk this world alone.
  11. Develop your own style. Never copy.
  12. For success, Attitude is equally as important as Ability.
  13. Take control rather than complain.
  14. Don’t be ashamed of who you are.That’s your parent’s job.
  15. Never sacrifice yourself for anyone; come what may.
  16. Keep your heels, head, and standards high.
  17. I am not afraid to walk this world alone.
  18. Let me adjust my crown and get my day started.
  19. Who the people decide what attitude I have?
  20. Following my orders is so much simpler.
  21. Be the one to make them stare.
  22. What others think of me is none of my business.
  23. These times are so hard, and they’re getting even harder.
  24. Different from everyone!
  25. I don’t need to explain myself because I know I’m right.
  26. Learn to live than to exist