Ring cameras have become a popular choice for home security, providing a sense of safety and peace of mind. However, there may be times when you wish to temporarily or permanently turn off your Ring cameras, whether it’s to maintain privacy, conserve energy, or simply enjoy a camera-free environment.

In this article, we’ll explore the steps to effectively turn off your Ring cameras, ensuring you have full control over their operation. Let’s dive in and discover how to navigate the world of Ring camera deactivation.

Method 1: Temporarily Disabling Ring Cameras Using Modes:

Ring cameras offer a convenient feature called Modes, allowing you to customize their behavior based on your preferences and needs. By utilizing Modes, you can effectively disable your Ring cameras without physically tampering with them. Here’s how:

Step 1: Open the Ring App:

Launch the Ring app on your mobile device and log in to your Ring account.

Step 2: Access Modes:

Look for the “Modes” option in the app’s main menu. Tap on it to enter the Modes settings.

Step 3: Modify Modes:

Within the Modes settings, you can create or customize existing Modes. Choose the Mode you wish to modify, such as “Home” or “Disarmed.”

Step 4: Disable Camera Recording:

Once you’re in the selected Mode’s settings, disable the camera recording functionality. This will prevent your Ring cameras from capturing and storing video footage.

Step 5: Save Changes:

Save the changes you made to the Mode settings. The modifications will take effect immediately, temporarily disabling your Ring cameras until you reactivate them.

Method 2: Powering Off Ring Cameras:

If you prefer a more definitive method to turn off your Ring cameras, you can do so by cutting off their power supply. Here’s how:

Step 1: Locate the Power Source:

Identify the power source for your Ring cameras. They are typically connected to electrical outlets or powered by batteries.

Step 2: Unplug from the Electrical Outlet:

If your Ring camera is connected to an electrical outlet, simply unplug the power adapter from the outlet. This will cut off the camera’s power supply and effectively turn it off.

Step 3: Remove Batteries:

For Ring cameras powered by batteries, open the camera’s battery compartment and remove the batteries. Ensure you have a safe place to store the batteries if you plan to reinsert them later.

Step 4: Repeat for Multiple Cameras:

If you have multiple Ring cameras, follow the same steps for each camera individually to disable them all.

Method 3: Deactivating Ring Cameras in the Ring App:

If you wish to permanently disable your Ring cameras or remove them from your account, you can do so through the Ring app. Here’s how:

Step 1: Open the Ring App:

Launch the Ring app on your mobile device and log in to your Ring account.

Step 2: Access Device Settings:

Navigate to the device settings within the app by selecting the camera you wish to deactivate and tapping on its settings.

Step 3: Disable or Remove Device:

Within the camera’s settings, you’ll find options to disable or remove the device from your account. Follow the provided instructions to deactivate the camera or completely remove it from your Ring system.

Step 4: Confirm Deactivation or Removal:

Carefully review the confirmation prompts to ensure you’re making the desired changes. Once confirmed, the camera will be either deactivated or permanently removed from your Ring system.


Whether you’re looking for a temporary break from surveillance or aiming to permanently disable your Ring cameras, you now have the knowledge to take control of their operation. By utilizing Modes, cutting off the power supply, or deactivating cameras in the Ring app, you can effectively turn off your Ring cameras to suit your privacy preferences and needs.

Remember that temporarily disabling your Ring cameras through Modes allows for quick reactivation when necessary, while powering off or permanently deactivating cameras may require additional setup when you decide to use them again. Ultimately, it’s all about finding the balance between security, privacy, and convenience that aligns with your personal preferences.